How do I create a scheduled report?

Here you will find a guide to create Scheduled Reports.

To create a scheduled report, navigate to Services > Scheduled Reports

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In the Scheduled Report page select +New Scheduled Report to create a new scheduled report

Choose a name and describe the report and select the vehicle or vehicle group you’d like to report on. Then, choose the reports you’d like to include on your scheduled report. 

E.g.: Click on Report Types and select Services (this is a report regarding your services created in the Maintenance module)


When selecting the ‘Services’ as your chosen Report Type, you will get a message as below which means that the Vehicle and Driver filters are not applied on this type of report.

Select how frequently you’d like to receive the report (daily, weekly or monthly), time of the day, file format (PDF or CSV), language, time zone and distance unit (KM or MI).

When selecting ‘Services’ as the Report Type, you will be able to select the Service Status as a filter to your report (All Status, Complete, Pending or Overdue).

Once you’ve selected all of your desired settings, click on Next to move on to Alert and Permission’s Tab. On this Tab you are able to select who will receive the reports from the dropdown and set the permission to manage the scheduled report created.

Once you’ve selected all of your desired settings, simply click “Save” and your report will be all set.