Walkaround Checks: How do I set up a Walkaround alert?

This alert will notify selected recipients when any defects have been found during a walkaround check.

As an example, the following shows how to set up an alert for when any defects are found during HGV walkaround checks.

Click on +New Alert.

Alerts - new button

New alert blank

Type in a name for the new alert.

Select ‘Walkaround’ from the drop-down list of Alert Types.

New alert 1

Next, click on the drop-down box to select which checklist the alert is for. In our example, this is ‘HGV’.

Then select ‘All Defects’ from the defects drop-down list.

New alert 2

Finally, select a recipient of the alert from the drop-down list of users.

If required, click on more names to add further recipients; to remove them if added in error, click on the x next to their name.

Click on Create Alert.

New alert 3

When the alert has been successfully created, the system will show a green confirmation message in the bottom left corner of the screen.

New alert message

The message will fade after a few seconds, or click the x to close it immediately.

When the alert has been triggered, an email will be sent to the selected recipients.

Email notification2