Driver Challenge
Unleash the Driving Challenge: Ignite Excellence and Foster Safer Roads within Your Fleet
What is gamification and how can it help my fleet?
Gamification is the use of games or motivational tools to encourage a series of desired actions, and it is a widely used principle in many industries. We believe it can be a very helpful tool to make drivers aware of the importance of safety, show them how their driving style affects fuel consumption, make them feel part of the team and reward them for a job well done.
For this reason, we have created a special section in Transpoco Perform called "Driver Challenge" to help you set up driving competitions based on safety alerts or fuel economy. Drivers are notified of their rankings via the Transpoco Perform app. Rankings are based on warnings about dangerous driving manoeuvres and on consumption targets. So the closer drivers are to the pre-set consumption targets and the fewer warnings they receive, the higher their rank will be.
The result is a win-win situation, as it helps you create a culture of safety in your company while saving fuel and meeting your emissions targets. If you think safety is a real challenge, you can win it hands down with Transpoco!
Transpoco Move is a fleet management system based on GPS vehicle tracking technology. It helps you manage your employees' time and progress by instantly monitoring their location.
OVER 100 VEHICLESProtect Plan
Transpoco Protect is an AI-driven platform that uses voice to detect dangerous situations, receive early incident notifications, and take near real-time preventive action to mitigate risks.
Outstanding driver performance through a driver-centric approach
The Transpoco Driving Challenge is one way to promote better driving in your fleet. It aims to minimise accidents and fuel consumption by providing drivers with a safe alternative to their current driving practises. Driving Challenge programmes help reduce a variety of risk factors, including distracted driving. Professional driver training programmes are necessary to reduce insurance costs, maintain anonymity, and give you the most freedom possible in terms of where you drive.
In addition to reducing injury, accident, and fuel costs, the Transpoco Driving Challenge offers a host of other benefits. For example, your fleet can become more efficient by driving better. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are promoting a cleaner environment. Safety is a top priority in every business and industry. So why not give your business a competitive edge by addressing this issue head on? The first step to a safer driving company is to enter a driving challenge today!
Our goal is to provide the most advanced solutions to our customers
From the first GPS tracking system we designed to the development of products focused on fleet safety, we have always strived to provide our customers with the most suitable solution at the most affordable cost.