Next week I will be attending the ESB hosted “Fully charged International EV summit”. The purpose of the event is to bring all the best minds in the world of electric vehicles together and discuss the future of the industry. We have done a lot of work with ESB in respect of telemetry and GPS tracking of the electric cars for the green eMotion project. An EU funded initiative to support the sensible rollout of electric vehicles.
Our work has basically been around the transfer of data from the vehicle's engine management systems to our server network. From there ESB ecars team, supported by researchers from Trinity College is analysing how cars are used in everyday life.
They are looking for information as to how do people charge the vehicles, how do drive them, are they concerned about maximising range, how far do they drive the vehicles, are their driving patterns altered now they are in an EV.
It is very interesting work for us, and my aspiration for the conference is to find out what is the future potential for our technology in the electric vehicle space.
My feeling is that we need closer collaboration with vehicle manufacturers in order to make bigger technological advances. To this point, we have been working largely from an aftermarket and research position. So I am keen to speak with some of the manufacturers attending and see what their telemetry requirements are going to be as they begin to understand the results of the green eMotion project and the extensive research that has been done to date.
It is important for the electric vehicle industry to have a clear plan of how it is going to move from research to a serious commercial proposition. So that is essentially what I hope to see at the event. I will write another update next week after the event.

Photo by Ernest Ojeh on Unsplash