When people first approach us, they think that GPS tracking systems and fleet management technology is exclusive to companies fully dedicated to transport or the prerogative of those who operate specifically in the logistics sector, even though in a wide variety of businesses there are many workers who use vehicles as part of their jobs.
A good example are businesses that utilise company vehicles to develop sales activity. Every day sales fleets or, in smaller businesses, sales representatives, run vehicles in order to meet potential customers and offer them a product or service. They might also visit those who are already clients to explore new solutions or further develop business with them. In any case, whatever the exact nature of their business visit may be, sales fleets do all have a few points in common:
- Sales teams that drive to customers are not professional drivers, driving is just an incidental part of their job
- Despite the necessity for sales people to spend most of their active time selling, a lot of it is actually spent driving or sorting out admin work
- Companies managing a mobile sales team sometimes struggle to organise their staff’s time to maximise efficiency
- Part of the sales person’s working time needs to be spent looking for new business opportunities—but how?
When it comes to tackling the four challenges just explained, advanced GPS tracking systems like SynX Move and fleet management systems like SynX Perform can really get the best out of a sales team fleet. With the help of technology and fleet management automation, companies can in fact:
- Help their sales fleet adopt a safer and more fuel efficient driving style, educate them in road safety and keep vehicles compliant with the help of compliance and maintenance tools
- Maximise the time spent in “real” sales activity by optimising schedules, choosing the best routes, providing assistance to drivers if they get lost or need to divert and predicting possible traffic issues
- Optimise time spent behind the wheel and reduce the administrative work time (often dedicated to logbooks and taxable miles paperwork, that you can now automate), so the sales team can work more on closing deals.
- Make use of detailed activity and journey reports to disclose what areas and companies your sales team is mostly concentrating on and learn what is still left unexplored.
Companies managing a sales fleet have already chosen SynX to steer their fleet to success. Have a look at our case study on the media company Radio Kerry: though it might seem unusual for a radio station to utilise a fleet management system, Radio Kerry actually had specific requirements for their sales fleet. Being a small team, the need for managing time and resources wisely is paramount—and here is how SynX helped.